( GS )
Yes, the classes are LIVE and REALTIME
Video on demand (VOD) is a video media distribution system that allows users to access classes without a traditional constraints of a typical static broadcasting schedule. Users can choose their convenient time to watch classes and learn at their pace.
A stable internet connection with speed on 2.0 MBPS or above. Wi-fi is preferable, however stable 4G connections perform equally good. In case the internet connectivity is not stable or fast enough there can be some glitches in performance of videos. Instititue shall not be responsible for the glitches that are due to you internet connectivity
Android based devices like mobile phones and tabs. Apart from these the vidoes and live classes are also available on laptop and desktops through web browsers.
Videos cannot be downloaded from the portal and Android App so ensure that the devices and internet connectivity are proper.
Video doesn't work in any ios device
Backup videos are uploaded within 24-48 hours of completion of LIVE CLASS
Sometimes. Gmail send the automated emails to the spam folder, please check there once. If you still can’t find the email , please send your name , registered phone no. and course purchased to online@kdcampus.org, we will confirm within 24 hours.
Yes, the lectures are truly interactive and you can ask your doubts as well through chat
You will get Notes & Assignments in form of pdf that are continuously uploaded on the portal and our telegram channel.
KD CAMPUS LIVE gives you option to study on various device. You can play your course on Desktop / Mobiles/ Tablets. However., you can not view classes on two devices simultaneously due to security issues.
We apologize, however, currently we don’t have any app for Apple phones/ i-phones, we have developed only android app.
Fees once paid to the KD CAMPUS LIVE will not be refunded in any circumstances, except in case of the duplicate payment made by the users.
Classes from KD CAMPUS can be viewed on any device like a laptop, mobile or tablet.
In case you miss any of the live classes, we provide you backup videos that can be seen anytime.
This platform is giving you the options to ask questions, raise doubts and queries from the faculty.
Get access to the live classes at your home by expert faculty of KD Campus.