Word Of The Day


Someone described as haggard appears tired or thin especially as if because of hunger, worry, or pain. Haggard can also describe someone who looks wild or otherwise disheveled.

// After a disastrous rafting trip, Robin emerged from the woods looking haggard but otherwise unscathed.


a figure of speech that produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect.


Something described as prestigious has the respect and admiration that someone or something gets for being successful or important.

// Chelsea’s mom often bragged about her daughter’s job at the prestigious company.


To fathom something is to understand the reason for its existence or occurrence.

// Even those close to him can't always fathom why he repeatedly risks his life to climb the world’s tallest mountains.


When you have a rapport with someone, your relationship is characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy.

// Once our daughter had developed a rapport with her piano teacher, she began to show some real enthusiasm for learning and practicing the piano.


a musical instrument, consisting of a flat sounding box with numerous strings stretched over it, that is placed on a horizontal surface and played with a plectrum and the fingertips.


Enervate is a formal word used for situations in which someone or something is being sapped of physical or mental vigor, vitality, or strength. The verb is most common in the participial forms enervated and enervating, as in "children enervated by the summer afternoon heat" and "a tedious discussion we found completely enervating."

// The person giving the lengthy toast seemed to be completely unaware of the degree to which he was enervating his audience.

Bed rotting

the practice of spending many hours in bed during the day, often with snacks or an electronic device, as a voluntary retreat from activity or stress.

Stellar Nursery

a molecular cloud in which new stars are being formed.


Quirk refers to an unusual habit or way of behaving. It can also refer to something strange that happens by chance, as in “a quirk of fate.”

// For an icebreaker, we were each asked to share a noteworthy quirk about ourselves. Mine was that I have to make sure every square of my waffles is buttered evenly before I eat them.