Word Of The Day


Without revealing one's identity; inconsiderate; thoughtless; unthinking; not having the faculty of thought


A silly or poorly written poetry; loosely styled and irregular in measure especially for burlesque or comic effect; trivial, awkward, characterized by a monotonous rhythm


Also written as SMiShing, it means SMS Phishing: A variant of phishing email scams; in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers, the fraudulent practice of sending text messages


Observation over something; range of what one can know or understand; knowledge of certain facts upon which an authority must act without requiring proof


The fear of imperfection, defects; the fear of not doing something right or the fear of not being good enough

suo motu

It means an authority has the right to take action without a formal complaint; on its own motion or initiative


Falling off or shed seasonally or stage of growth in the life cycle; indicating the milk teeth of a mammal, which are shed after a time, for example, a child's or young animal's first teeth are replaced by new ones


Not limited to just one part of the world, it means, widely distributed over the globe; A place or society, which is full of people from many different countries and cultures


Due to linking together, the occurrence of a lot of things or events one after another; a series of interconnected events, things, ideas, and concepts


A person whose job is to write down what another person says; stenographer; someone skilled in the transcription of speech