Word Of The Day


The leading character or one of the most prominent figures in a situation; the dominant character in a work of fiction; the main supporter of an idea or political system


A person whose opinions are believed to be determined mainly by concern for property values and conventional respectability; dominated by commercial and industrial interests; relating to the standards and conventions of the middle class and a tendency toward mediocrity


Complete disapproval; severe condemnation, or censure


The sport or activity of swimming underwater by using a snorkel and face mask. Snorkel is a hard rubber or plastic tube through which a swimmer breathes under surface of the water.


It is used to refer to things that cause disease or are caused by disease; harmful or annoying; dangerous or troublesome; infectious, and plague-causing


Fauxtography means fraudulent photography. It is used to manipulate the viewers and promote to a particular intention.


An organized event of entertainment or exhibition basically on streets in which people wear unusual colourful clothes to celebrate a festival. For example – Notting Hill Carnival


to criticize someone or something severely; to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism


A complete change in appearance or character; a person or thing develops into something completely different. For example - the transformation of caterpillars into butterflies


The study of the sources and origin of words; the way of the study of a word’s history in which its meaning has changed throughout the past