Histrionic adj. Overly theatrical or dramatic. n. Exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract attention. “His histrionic reaction disrupted the meeting.”
Histrionic adj. Overly theatrical or dramatic. n. Exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract attention. “His histrionic reaction disrupted the meeting.”
Sagacious adj. Shrewd; showing keen mental discernment and good judgment. “A sagacious remark.”
Apoplectic adj. Overcome with anger; extremely indignant. “He showed apoplectic rage.”
Overt adj. Done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden. “Overt hostility.”
Intrinsic adj. Belonging naturally; essential. “Intrinsic stock value.”
Confluence [con·flu·ence] n. The act or process of merging. A flowing together of two or more streams. “A fortunate confluence of factors led to his success.”
Trepidation n. A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may or may not actually happen. “He entered the cave with considerable trepidation.”
Egress n. The action of going out of or leaving a place. “The company’s egress procedures.”
Credulous; Credulity adj. A tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true. “A credulous rumor.”
Opprobrious adj. Disgraceful; shameful. “His actions were opprobrious.”