# Title Description Date
1 Mangle

To mangle something is to ruin it due to carelessness or a lack of skill. Mangle can also mean “to injure or damage something or someone severely by cutting, tearing, or crushing.”

// Half-remembering a joke from her favorite sitcom, Ally mangled the punch line, but honestly, this made it even funnier.

2 Muster

to gather, summon, rouse (often followed by up).

3 Aplomb

imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance.

4 Retronym

Retronym refers to a term (such as analog watch, film camera, or acoustic guitar) that is created and adopted to distinguish the original or older version, form, or example of something from others that are more recent.

// While ordering a regular coffee Sam started to tell the barista about how “regular coffee” is a retronym until the next person in line sighed with impatience.

5 Ad hockery

reliance on temporary solutions rather than on consistent, long-term plans.

6 Nigh

near in space, time, or relation.

7 Diligent

Someone or something described as diligent is characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort.

// After many hours of diligent research, the students were ready to compile their results.

8 Avatar

an image or other graphic representation that acts as a proxy for a person or is associated with a specific digital account or identity.

9 Incipient

Incipient is used to describe things which are beginning to come into being or which are to become apparent.

// The study clearly needs to be extended because the most recent data suggest incipient changes in the trends identified.

10 Arduous

Arduous is an adjective used to describe something that is very difficult or strenuous.

// The gorgeous waterfall at the top of the mountain was worth the arduous hike.

11 Glower

To glower is to look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger. // Kelly glowered at me after I sided with Brenda in their dispute about the chores.

12 Ubiquitous

Ubiquitous is a synonym of widespread and describes things that are actually, or seemingly, seen or encountered everywhere.

// Though they were once a status symbol reserved only for those with considerable means, smartphones are now a ubiquitous technology.

13 Wanderlust

a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.

14 Chapfallen

Chapfallen (less commonly spelled chopfallen) is a synonym of depressed that means "cast down in spirit." It can also mean "having the lower jaw hanging loosely."

15 Serendipity

accidental discovery.

16 Mountweazel

a decoy entry in a dictionary or encyclopedia, secretly planted among the genuine entries to catch other publishers in the act of copying content.

17 Cromulent

acceptable or legitimate.

18 Overweening

To describe someone as overweening is to say that they are arrogant and unduly proud. Overweening also disapprovingly describes qualities or desires, such as greed or ambition, that are seen as excessive.

19 Perspicuity

clearness or lucidity, as of a statement.

20 Raconteur

A raconteur is someone who excels in telling anecdotes. // A bona fide raconteur, Paola can turn even mundane experiences into hilariously entertaining stories.

21 Delve

To delve is to carefully search for information about something, or to examine a subject in detail, as in “The class eagerly delved into the writings of Zora Neale Hurston.” Delve can also mean “to dig or labor with or as if with a spade,” as in “delving into their pockets for loose change.” As the examples show, delve is typically followed by into.

22 Genial

Someone described as genial is cheerful and pleasant; a thing described as genial suggests or expresses friendliness and cheer.

// Omar was a most genial host, making sure to spend time with each and every one of the guests at the reception.

// Though I knew no one at the conference, the genial atmosphere immediately put me at ease.

23 Exhort

To exhort someone is to try to strongly urge them to do something.

// The volunteers exhorted the young adults to register to vote before the upcoming election.

24 Yawp

noun: a loud, raucous noise

verb: make a raucous noise

verb: complain whiningly

25 POV

the position of the narrator in relation to the story, as indicated by the narrator's outlook from which the events are depicted and by the attitude toward the characters.

26 Tincture

Tincture refers to a solution made by mixing a medicinal substance in an alcoholic solvent. It can also refer to a slight trace of something, as in “a tincture of doubt.”

27 Tincture

Tincture refers to a solution made by mixing a medicinal substance in an alcoholic solvent. It can also refer to a slight trace of something, as in “a tincture of doubt.”

28 Permeable

Permeable is a synonym of penetrable that is used especially to describe things that have pores or openings that permit liquids or gases to pass through.

29 Avoirdupois

Avoirdupois is synonymous with weight and heaviness, especially as related to the body. It also refers to the series of units of weight based on the pound of 16 ounces and the ounce of 16 drams.

30 Dexterous

Dexterous is a formal adjective used to describe someone or something that has or shows great skill or cleverness.

31 Felicitous

Felicitous is an adjective most often used in formal speech and writing to describe something that is very well expressed or suited for some purpose or situation. It can also be used as a synonym for pleasant or delightful.

32 Theodore Roosevelt

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

33 Gâteau

a cake, especially a very light sponge cake with a rich icing or filling.

34 Detritus

Detritus refers to debris—that is, the pieces that remain when something breaks, falls apart, or is destroyed.

35 Enervate

to deprive of force or strength; destroy the vigor of; weaken.

36 Vertiginous

liable or threatening to cause the dizzying sensation of vertigo.

37 Auberge

an inn; hostel.

38 Cavort

to behave in a high-spirited, festive manner.

39 Reticent

1. unwilling or reluctant to draw attention to oneself

2. restrained and formal in manner

3. not inclined to talk or provide information: reserved

40 Toothsome

pleasing to the taste; palatable.

41 Globalization

 growth to a worldwide scale

42 Bombastic

(of speech, writing, etc.) high-sounding; high-flown; pretentious.

43 Hallmarkplay

A hallmark is a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature. Hallmark also refers to a mark or design placed or stamped on something to indicate its origin, purity, or genuineness, as in "sterling silver hallmarks."

// The entertainer's new book features the same kind of wry humor that is the hallmark of his radio show.

44 Obfuscation

1. darkening or obscuring the sight of something

2. the activity of obscuring people’s understanding, leaving them baffled or bewildered

3. confusion resulting from failure to understand

45 Woebegone

Woebegone describes someone or something that feels or shows great woe, sorrow, or misery.

// The team never looked more woebegone than it did heading back to the locker room after losing the championship to their rivals by a single run.

// Despite its woebegone appearance, the old mill town has a strong community and a vibrant arts scene.

46 Largess

1. generosity in bestowing gifts; a willingness to give liberally

2. a gift or money given as for service or out of benevolence; usually given in a showy way

47 Monadnock

a residual hill or mountain standing well above the surface of a surrounding area.

48 Reverence

a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration.

49 Audacious

Audacious is an adjective used to describe people, or things that people make or do, that are confident and daring, or bold and surprising.

// She made the audacious decision to quit her job.

// The band has been making original and creative music for well over ten years, but their latest album is their most audacious to date.

50 Mawkish

characterized by sickly sentimentality; weakly emotional; maudlin.
