# Title Description Date
1 Piscine

of, relating to, or resembling a fish or fishes.

2 Agrarian

Something described as agrarian has to do with farms and farming.

// Joan hopes to leave city life behind and move to a more agrarian region where she plans to raise lambs and grow heirloom vegetables.

3 Melee

Melee refers to a confused fight or struggle, especially one involving hand-to-hand combat.

// What started as a verbal disagreement at the football game soon turned into a general melee involving scores of spectators.

4 Preponderant

superior in weight, force, influence, numbers, etc.; prevailing.

5 Haku

(in Hawaii) a crown of fresh flowers.

6 Demagogue

A demagogue is a political leader who tries to get support by making use of popular prejudices, as well as by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason.

// His opponent called him a bigoted demagogue for demonizing those who don't intend to vote for him.

7 Inviolable

Inviolable is a formal term that is used to describe something too important to be ignored or treated with disrespect.

// She considers herself a person with inviolable moral standards

8 Nebulous

hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused.

9 Homage

An homage is something that is done to honor someone or something. It is often used with the word pay (as in “pay homage”) to mean “to respect or honor.”

// Her latest book is an homage to her favorite city.

// The paintings in the new art gallery pay homage to women artists of the past.

10 Firkin

a small wooden vessel or tub for butter, lard, etc.

11 Burgeon

To bourgeon is to grow or develop quickly—in other words to flourish, blossom or sprout.

// The trout population in the stream has burgeoned since the town implemented its laws against overfishing.

12 Exodus

An exodus is a situation in which many people leave a place at the same time—in other words, a mass departure or emigration.

// The resort town eagerly anticipated the mass exodus from the cities to its beaches as summer approached.

13 Palpable

Something described as palpable is obvious and notable. Palpable may also be used as a synonym of tangible to describe something that can be perceived by one's sense of touch.

// The tension in the courtroom was palpable as the jury foreman stood to announce the verdict.

14 Gingerly

An act or manner described as gingerly is very cautious or careful.

// It’s a delicate subject, and we need to approach it with gingerly care and tact.

// The antelope moved with a gingerly gait that suggested it was hurt.

15 Tortuous

full of twists, turns, or bends; twisting, winding, or crooked.

16 Qua

Qua is a preposition used in formal speech or writing that means “in the capacity or character of (someone or something).” It is used synonymously with as to indicate that someone or something is being referred to or thought about in a particular way.

// The artist qua artist is less interesting to me than the artist as a human being.

17 Sparse

not dense; few and scattered

18 Inalienable

Something considered inalienable is impossible to take away or give up.

// The American ethos is built on the belief that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights.

19 Purloin

To purloin is to take something that belongs to someone else—that is, to steal it. Purloin is much more formal-sounding than steal, but is often—though not always—encountered in humorous contexts, suggesting that the theft is not serious.

// The puppy managed to purloin a few cookies from the plate when no one was looking.

// The studio stepped up security, fearing that someone might attempt to purloin a copy of the script for the show’s season finale.

20 Brusque

A person may be described as brusque when they are talking or behaving in a very direct, brief, and unfriendly way. Brusque can also describe speech that is noticeably short and abrupt.

// We knew something was wrong when our normally easygoing professor was brusque and impatient with our class.

// She asked for a cup of coffee and received a brusque reply: “We don't have any.”

21 Unputdownable

(especially of a book or periodical) so interesting or suspenseful as to compel reading.

22 Discomfit

To discomfit someone is to make them confused or upset. Discomfit is a formal synonym of the also formal (but slightly less so) disconcert.

// Jacob was discomfited by the new employee’s forward, probing questions.

23 Vicarious

A vicarious emotion or experience is one felt by watching, hearing about, or reading about someone else rather than by doing something yourself.

// He felt a vicarious thrill as his daughter crossed the stage to accept her diploma.

24 Subterfuge

an artifice or expedient used to evade a rule, escape a consequence, hide something, etc.

25 Fatuous

To describe something, such as an idea or remark, as fatuous is to say that it is foolish or silly rather than sensible or logical.

// Our hopes for an apology and a reasonable explanation for the error were met with fatuous platitudes.

26 Juggernaut

any large, overpowering force or object, such as war, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team.

27 Meticulous

Something or someone described as meticulous shows extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details.

// He is meticulous about keeping accurate records.

28 Praxis

Praxis is a formal word referring to the practical application of a theory—in other words, what one does to act on a theory (such as feminist theory) to which one is committed. Praxis is also used synonymously with action or practice to refer to the exercise of an art, science, or skill, or to customary conduct within a given sphere.

// Many gardeners promote composting as being good environmental praxis.

29 Lambaste

To lambaste something or someone is to criticize them very harshly. Lambaste is also sometimes used as a synonym of beat meaning “to assault.”

// The coach lambasted the team for its poor play.

30 Ethereal

Ethereal means "of or relating to the regions beyond the earth" or "of or resembling heaven." It can also mean "lacking material substance" and "relating to, containing, or resembling a chemical ether."

// The windows give the church an ethereal glow.

// The images of the underwater cave show a strange world of ethereal beauty.

31 Shambles

Shambles refers to a place or state in which there is great confusion, disorder, or destruction.

// The house party they had over the weekend left the entire living room in shambles.

32 Flout

To flout something, such as a law or rule, is to treat it with contemptuous disregard. A teenager flouting a curfew, for example, will not hide the fact that they are out past the time they are required to be home.

// The court found that the company had continued to flout the law despite multiple warnings.

33 Auxiliary

In general use, auxiliary describes someone or something available to provide extra help, power, etc., when it is needed. In linguistics, an auxiliary verb (also called a “helping verb”) is used with another verb to do things like show a verb’s tense or form a question. In nautical contexts, auxiliary can describe a sailboat equipped with a supplementary inboard engine, or a vessel that provides supplementary assistance to other ships.

// The auditorium has an auxiliary cooling system used only on particularly sweltering days.

// “Are” in “They are arriving soon” is an auxiliary verb.

34 Genuflect

To genuflect is to kneel, or nearly kneel, on one knee and then rise again in worship or as an act of respect. In figurative use, genuflect means "to be humbly obedient or respectful."

// Churchgoers genuflected before the altar.

// The politician was criticized for genuflecting to corporate interests.

35 Pedantic

Pedantic describes someone or something that exhibits the characteristics of a pedant—that is, a person who often annoys other people by correcting small errors and giving too much attention to minor details. Pedantic also means “narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned.”

// Their habit of reminding fellow birders that the bird is called a “Canada goose” and not a “Canadian goose” came across as pedantic rather than helpful. // Several attendees walked out of the lecture due to the pedantic nature of the presentation.

36 Will Durant

Knowledge is the eye of desire and can become the pilot of the soul.

37 Dragoon

When used with into, dragoon means "to force or convince someone to do something." Without into, dragoon means "to subjugate or persecute by harsh use of troops."

// Employees complained that they had been dragooned into working overtime without adequate compensation.

38 Scurrilous

Scurrilous is a formal adjective that most often describes language that contains obscenities, abuse, or, especially, slander—that is, a false statement that damages a person’s reputation. Scurrilous can also describe someone who uses or tends to use scurrilous language, or it can describe a person or thing as evil or vulgar.

// The press secretary made a point at the briefing not to address the scurrilous rumors surrounding the senator.

39 Allege

To allege something is to assert it without proof or before proving it.

// Consumer advocates allege that the company knew about the faulty switches but sold the product anyway.

40 Whippersnapper

an unimportant but offensively presumptuous person, especially a young one.

41 Tawdry

Something described as tawdry is cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality. Tawdry is also often used to describe something considered morally bad or distasteful, as in "a tawdry tale of political skulduggery."

// Tawdry decorations cluttered the tiny house.

42 Prink

to deck oneself out.

43 Emulate

If you emulate someone or something, you try to be like that person or thing. The word is used especially when one is trying to equal or surpass someone in accomplishment or achievement.

// She grew up emulating her sports heroes.

// Younger children will often try to emulate the behavior of their older siblings.

44 Cacophony

A cacophony is a mixture of loud and usually harsh unpleasant sounds. Cacophony can also refer to an incongruous or chaotic mixture.

// The sounds of shouting added to the cacophony on the streets.

// A cacophony of aromas wafted through the air.

45 Proviso

a condition that is part of an agreement

46 Refurbish

To refurbish something is to brighten or freshen it up, or to repair and make improvements to it.

// They are refurbishing the old house with the hopes of selling it for a profit.

// The store refurbishes and sells computers that can often meet the needs of those who don't need the latest technology.

47 Germane

Germane is a formal synonym of relevant that describes something related to a subject in an appropriate way.

// Her comments were not germane to the discussion. // While these facts about the witness may interest the jury, they are not in fact germane.

48 Resolute

firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion.

49 Descry

Descry is a literary word that, like discover or find out, means “to come to realize or understand something.” Descry can also mean “to catch sight of.”

// In their research, the bryologists descried an association between a moss and the iron content of the rock it typically grows on.

// From the tops of the high dunes, we could just descry the ship coming over the horizon.

50 Pilcrow

a paragraph mark.
