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# | Title | Description | Date |
1 | Valorous | courageous; brave |
12-Nov-2024 |
2 | Truncate | To truncate something—such as a discussion or essay—is to make it shorter. // The interview was truncated and edited for clarity. |
11-Nov-2024 |
3 | Inchoate | Inchoate is a formal adjective and synonym of vague that describes something that is not completely formed or developed yet. // In the podcast, the author described the process by which she took a series of inchoate vignettes and shaped them into her best-selling novel. |
09-Nov-2024 |
4 | Feign | To feign something (such as surprise, ignorance, or sleep) is to pretend to feel or be affected by it. // I would never feign illness just to get out of a test. |
08-Nov-2024 |
5 | Dedication | Dedication refers to devotion, loyalty, or commitment to a person or cause. It can also refer to a message at the beginning of a book, song, etc., that expresses affection or gratitude for someone, or to a ceremony to mark the official completion or opening of something, such as a building. // It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but we managed to finish the project on time. // Her novel includes a brief dedication to her family. |
07-Nov-2024 |
6 | Plebiscite | a direct vote of the qualified voters of a state in regard to some important public question |
06-Nov-2024 |
7 | Psephology | Psephology is the scientific study of elections. // Brianna was excited to learn that a course on psephology on the schedule for next semester will coincide with local and state elections. |
05-Nov-2024 |
8 | Amalgamate | Amalgamate is a formal verb meaning "to unite (two or more things) into one thing." // The band became famous for amalgamating different musical styles into a unique, signature sound. |
04-Nov-2024 |
9 | Extricate | To extricate someone or something is to free or remove that person or thing from an entanglement or difficulty, such as a trap or a difficult conversation. // She hasn't been able to extricate herself from her legal problems. // It took all afternoon to extricate the tractor from the mud. |
02-Nov-2024 |
10 | Hatching | Hatching refers to the drawing or engraving of lines close together as a method of shading, or to a pattern so created. // The artist uses hatching to breathe life into her comics. // The hatching adds depth to the illustration. |
01-Nov-2024 |
11 | Omniscient | Omniscient describes someone or something with unlimited knowledge or understanding. // "You'll need to tell me when you don't understand something I've explained," Maria said. "I'm not omniscient, you know." |
30-Oct-2024 |
12 | Abraxas | a word of unknown significance found on charms, especially amulets, of the late Greco-Roman world |
29-Oct-2024 |
13 | Disbursement | A disbursement is a payout of money from a fund that has been created for a special purpose. Disbursement can also refer to the money that is paid out. // The company has made large disbursements for research. |
28-Oct-2024 |
14 | Categorical | Categorical is a synonym of absolute and definite that describes something that is said in a very strong and clear way. It can also mean "of, relating to, or constituting a category" or "involving, according with, or considered with respect to specific categories." // The organization has issued a categorical denial about its involvement in the deal. // The library relies on a categorical system for classifying books. |
26-Oct-2024 |
15 | Garnish | To garnish food or drink is to add decorative and tasty touches to it, such as a spiral of lemon peel. // Aditi likes to garnish her mashed potatoes with chives and a dollop of sour cream. // Slivers of dark chocolate garnished the cake. |
25-Oct-2024 |
16 | Doggedly | in a persistent or tenacious manner |
24-Oct-2024 |
17 | Palaver | Palaver is an informal word that usually refers to unimportant or meaningless talk. It can also refer to misleading or deceptive speech, or to a conference or discussion. In British English the word is sometimes used as a synonym of fuss to refer to unnecessary excitement about something. // Enough of this palaver. We have more important things to discuss. |
23-Oct-2024 |
18 | Coagulate | to change from a fluid into a thickened mass; curdle; congeal |
22-Oct-2024 |
19 | Intransigent | Intransigent is a formal word that describes a person who refuses to compromise or abandon an often extreme position or attitude. It can also describe a thing, such as a system or point of view, that shows the same kind of stubbornness. // Despite the mediator's best efforts, the opposing sides in the dispute remained intransigent. |
21-Oct-2024 |
20 | Zest | Zest refers to an enjoyably exciting quality, or to keen enjoyment itself. In culinary use, zest refers to small pieces of the peel of a lemon, lime, orange, or other citrus fruit used as flavoring. // His humor added zest to the presentation's admittedly dry material. // The couple has a zest for travel and adventure. // Lime zest adds a burst of brightness to the dessert's rich flavor. |
18-Oct-2024 |
21 | Fugacious | Fugacious is a formal word that describes something that lasts only a short time. // The rock band’s early success proved fugacious; within two years its members had moved on to other careers. // Savor the enduring pleasures of life as intensely as the fugacious ones. |
17-Oct-2024 |
22 | Rendition | A rendition, simply put, is the act or result of rendering something. That thing may be a performance or interpretation, a depiction, or a translation. In US law, rendition refers to the surrender by a state of a fugitive to another state that is charging the fugitive with a crime. // Their signature meatloaf is a fine rendition of a classic recipe. // Theatergoers have been eager for an English rendition of the acclaimed French play. |
16-Oct-2024 |
23 | Verbatim | in exactly the same words; word for word |
15-Oct-2024 |
24 | Taciturn | Taciturn is a formal word that describes someone who tends to be quiet or who tends to speak infrequently. // One of the twins was taciturn and shy, while the other one was more outgoing. |
14-Oct-2024 |
25 | Battologize | to repeat (a word, phrase, mannerism, etc.) excessively |
11-Oct-2024 |
26 | Numinous | Numinous is a formal, often literary, word that typically describes things that have a mysterious or spiritual quality. It can also describe something holy or something that appeals to one's aesthetic sense. // We were overcome by the numinous atmosphere of the catacombs. // The artist's sculptures dominate the space, their numinous presence welcoming museum-goers to a foreign world. |
10-Oct-2024 |
27 | Coruscate | To coruscate is to give off or reflect light in bright beams or flashes. Coruscate is used as a synonym of sparkle and may also be used to mean "to be brilliant or showy in technique or style." // She placed a bid on a classic car from the 1950s, replete with yards of coruscating chrome. |
09-Oct-2024 |
28 | Exorbitant | Exorbitant describes something that goes far beyond what is fair, reasonable, or expected (as by being too high, too expensive, etc.). // The cost of our stay was so exorbitant you would have thought that we had bought the hotel and not just spent a few nights there. |
08-Oct-2024 |
29 | Subsume | to consider or include something as part of a more comprehensive one |
07-Oct-2024 |
30 | Impermeable | impassable |
05-Oct-2024 |
31 | Gossamer | Something described as gossamer—such as a butterfly wing or a thin fabric—is very light or delicate. // Except for a few gossamer clouds, the sky was clear and blue. |
04-Oct-2024 |
32 | Strafe | (slang) to reprimand viciously |
03-Oct-2024 |
33 | Fret | To fret is to worry or be concerned. // I was sure we wouldn’t get there in time, but they told me not to fret. |
02-Oct-2024 |
34 | Chthonic | Chthonic means "of or relating to the underworld." It is used as a synonym of infernal. // Cleo compared entering her brother's basement bedroom to a descent into chthonic regions: it was dark and odd-smelling, and she was a little frightened of what she might find there. |
01-Oct-2024 |
35 | Feckless | Feckless describes people or things that are weak or ineffective. // The agency’s response to the dramatic increase in air pollution was well-intentioned but ultimately feckless. |
30-Sep-2024 |
36 | Savvy | experienced, knowledgable, and well-informed |
28-Sep-2024 |
37 | lucid | If something written, spoken, or otherwise communicated is described as lucid, it is very clear and easy to understand. A person described as lucid is able to think clearly. Lucid is also used to describe things that are luminous, or that are visually transparent. // The film conveyed a lucid message that was hard to misinterpret. // Brenna marveled at the sea stars and urchins she could see through the lucid water of the rock pool. |
27-Sep-2024 |
38 | Deter | To deter someone is to discourage or prevent them from acting. To deter a thing is to stop or limit it. // The heavy fines aim to deter people from dumping garbage here. // The device is designed to deter automobile theft. |
26-Sep-2024 |
39 | Jerkwater | Jerkwater means “remote and unimportant.” It is often used to describe a small town, village, etc., that is out in the country far from cities. Jerkwater can also mean “trivial.” // I grew up in a jerkwater town in the middle of nowhere. |
25-Sep-2024 |
40 | Rue | To rue something is to feel penitence, remorse, or regret for it. Rue is often used in the phrase "rue the day." // I rue the day I signed that infernal contract. |
24-Sep-2024 |
41 | Heinous | Heinous describes things—such as acts, deeds, or crimes—that are hatefully or shockingly evil, or in other words, deserving of hate or contempt. // The former dictator will stand trial for the role he played in his government’s heinous treatment of political dissidents. |
23-Sep-2024 |
42 | Yuppie | a young, ambitious, and well-educated city-dweller who has a professional career and an affluent lifestyle |
21-Sep-2024 |
43 | Approbation | Approbation is a formal word that refers to praise or approval. // Their plan to rewild portions of the city’s parks has won the approbation of the mayor. |
20-Sep-2024 |
44 | By and large | By and large is another way of saying "in general" or "on the whole." // By and large, I like the way things have gone. |
19-Sep-2024 |
45 | Dally | The word dally has a number of meanings. To dally can be to physically linger or dawdle, or to waste time. Dally may also mean "to act playfully," especially in a romantic sense, or "to deal with something lightly or in a way that is not serious." // Three members of the hiking group were dallying and didn't arrive at the overlook until others were already starting to head back to the trailhead. // Alton has been dallying with the idea of starting a bakery. |
18-Sep-2024 |
46 | Nebula | A nebula is a large cloud of interstellar gas or dust. In nontechnical use, the word nebula also refers to a galaxy other than the Milky Way. // We were eventually able to see the nebula through the telescope. |
17-Sep-2024 |
47 | Liminal | Liminal is a formal word most often used to describe an intermediate state, phase, or condition. It can also describe something that is barely perceptible or barely capable of eliciting a response. // The essay presents an image of the border region as a liminal zone where one culture blends into another. |
16-Sep-2024 |
48 | Callow | Callow is a synonym of immature used to describe someone, especially a young person, who does not have much experience and does not know how to behave like an adult. Like the word immature, callow is often used disapprovingly. // The novel’s plot involves a callow youth who eventually learns the value of hard work and self-reliance. |
14-Sep-2024 |
49 | Goad | prod; incite |
13-Sep-2024 |
50 | Fraternize | To fraternize with someone is to be friendly with them or to spend time with them in a friendly way. Fraternize is often, though not always, used in situations where such friendly behavior is considered wrong or improper, as in “fraternizing with the enemy.” // The boss warned that fraternizing with the junior employees could be a risky career move for a manager. |
12-Sep-2024 |