a light yellow cake made with eggs and butter and typically layered, filled, and frosted or made into petits fours for serving.
a light yellow cake made with eggs and butter and typically layered, filled, and frosted or made into petits fours for serving.
any plant of the gourd family.
turnovers or pockets of noodle dough filled with any of several mixtures, usually boiled, and served in soup.
a dish of tomatoes, green peppers, vine leaves, or eggplants stuffed with a mixture of meat, rice, and spices.
to agitate a beverage with a rod for stirring highballs and cocktails.
pertaining to or derived from apples.
an unclassified degree granted a university student who has fulfilled all requirements for graduation but was prevented by illness from attending the final examinations.
a club or stick, traditionally of blackthorn or oak.
until we see each other again; goodbye for the present.
the elimination of laws, customs, or practices under which people from different religions, ancestries, ethnic groups, etc., are restricted to specific or separate public facilities, neighborhoods, schools, organizations, or the like.