Word Of The Day


a paragraph mark.


Salubrious is a formal word that means “favorable to or promoting health or well-being.”

// They picked up several salubrious habits on their wellness retreat in Bali.


Proximity is the quality or state of being near or proximate. The word proximity is synonymous with closeness.

// The apartment's proximity to hiking trails is a definite plus.


Inveterate is a formal word used to describe someone who is always or often doing something specified. For instance, a person could be an inveterate liar or an inveterate prankster. Inveterate can also mean "firmly established by long persistence," as in "an inveterate tendency to overlook the obvious."

// She's an inveterate traveler who constantly searches for flight deals to her next destination.

// Carla’s inveterate optimism keeps her going during challenging times.


1. having the nature of a transitional space, phase, or experience

2. (psychology) relating to the threshold beyond which sensation cannot be perceived


Jeopardy is defined as "exposure to or imminence of death, loss, or injury"; it is synonymous with danger. In legal contexts, jeopardy refers specifically to the danger that an accused person is subjected to when on trial for a criminal offense.

// Rather than risk placing passengers in jeopardy, the pilot waited for the storm to pass before taking off.


A retinue is a group of helpers, supporters, or followers.

// The venue relies on a retinue of workers to carry out large events.


To caterwaul is to make a very loud and unpleasant sound. Caterwaul can also mean “to protest or complain noisily.”

// The woods were quiet until the sound of a chainsaw caterwauling in the distance broke the calm.

// They continue to caterwaul about having to take the blame.


Voracious describes someone who has a huge appetite. It can also be used figuratively to mean "excessively eager," as in "a voracious reader."

// It seemed like the voracious kitten was eating her weight in food every day.

// She has her voracious appetite for knowledge to thank for graduating at the top of her class.


an object or person whose name is not known or cannot be recalled.