Quote Of The Day


“Good people bring out the good in people. Appreciate good people. They are hard to come by. Be good to people for no reason. Whatever is good for your soul, do that. Fill your mind with good and surround yourself with people who lift you up.”


“Nothing is permanent in this world not even your troubles. Everything is subject to change. Every morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters the most.”


“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. It is never too late to be who you might have been. The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice.”


“Consider your thoughts, for they become words. Consider your words, for they become actions. Consider your actions, for they become habits. Consider your habits, for they become a character. Consider your character, for it becomes your destiny.”


“Each day holds a possibility of a miracle. Every day gives people hope for a new tomorrow. Each day is a new day, and you will never be able to find happiness if you don’t move on.”


“Every day is a new chance to change your life. Your potential is endless. Go and do what you were created to do. You have a choice every day. You can choose every morning whether you will be depressed and miserable, or whether you will be happy.”


“Do what you think is right. Good decisions always come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. Sometimes wrong decision helps to choose the right path. Don’t let people make the decision of right or wrong for you.”


“Sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism. A person is a patriot if his/her heart beats true to his/her country. Patriotism to your country is something that comes from your heart. It should be taught to you by your parents.”


“Impossible is nothing. You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible. Impossible is not a declaration. It is an opinion. Impossible is just a tremendous word which is thrown around by the weak people who find it easier to live in the world they have been given rather than to explore the power they have to change it.”


“A dream can not become reality through magic; it takes determination, sweat and hard work. Hard work and confidence are the best medicine to kill the disease called failure. It will make you a successful person.”