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# | Title | Description | Date |
1 | Secular | Secular describes things that are not spiritual; that is, they relate more to the physical world than the spiritual world. The word also carries the closely related meaning of "not religious." // Each year, Ian directed his charitable giving toward secular concerns like affordable housing and arts programming for teens. // In her autobiography, the actor mentions that her education in parochial school was not so different from that of secular institutions. |
13-Jan-2025 |
2 | Cozen | To cozen someone is to deceive, win over, or induce them to do something by coaxing or trickery. // The organization cozened scores of people by persuading them to participate in a fraudulent investment scheme. |
11-Jan-2025 |
3 | Untenable | Something, such as a position, excuse, or situation, that is described as untenable cannot be defended against attack or criticism. // The scientists considered their colleague's theory to be bold but ultimately untenable. |
10-Jan-2025 |
4 | Gamut | the entire scale or range |
09-Jan-2025 |
5 | Gelid | Something described as gelid, such as the weather or a person’s demeanor, is literally or figuratively extremely cold or icy. // She decided to move down south after experiencing Chicago’s gelid winters throughout college. |
08-Jan-2025 |
6 | Fulminate | To fulminate is to complain loudly or angrily about something. // The editorial fulminated against the corruption in the state government that has been recently uncovered. |
07-Jan-2025 |
7 | Tome | Tome is a formal word for a book, and especially a very large, thick, often scholarly book. // We picked up a tome on the Ghana Empire for our history project. |
06-Jan-2025 |
8 | Fulminate | To fulminate is to complain loudly or angrily about something. // The editorial fulminated against the corruption in the state government that has been recently uncovered. |
04-Jan-2025 |
9 | Addlepated | Someone described as addlepated is mixed-up or confused. Addlepated can also be used as synonym of eccentric. // Some addlepated clerk confused our hotel reservation with that of another, similarly named, party. |
03-Jan-2025 |
10 | Preponderate | to exceed in weight, influence, importance, amount, etc. |
02-Jan-2025 |
11 | Rejuvenate | To rejuvenate a person, parts of the body, etc., is to make them feel young, healthy, or energetic again. To rejuvenate something abstract, such as an economy or career, is to give it new strength or energy. // The hotel package includes a day at the spa to rejuvenate guests. // Small businesses opening along the main street have rejuvenated the downtown area. |
01-Jan-2025 |
12 | Novation | the introduction of something new; innovation |
31-Dec-2024 |
13 | Urbane | Someone described as urbane is notably polite, confident, or polished in manner. Urbane is also used to describe things that are fashionable and somewhat formal. // "When did my willful, childish cousin turn into this urbane young artist greeting the guests at her opening reception?" wondered Elena. // We were impressed by the hotel's urbane sophistication. |
30-Dec-2024 |
14 | Combustion | 1. a process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat and light2. the act of burning something 3. a state of violent disturbance and excitement |
28-Dec-2024 |
15 | Feisty | Feisty describes someone who has or shows a lively aggressiveness, especially in being unafraid to fight or argue. In some regions of the US, feisty may also be used as a synonym of fidgety, quarrelsome, or frisky. // Even her opponents admire her feisty spirit. |
27-Dec-2024 |
16 | Menorah | A menorah is a candelabra with seven or nine lights that is used in Jewish worship. // At sundown on the first night of Hanukkah, Elliott's father helped him light the first candle on the menorah. |
26-Dec-2024 |
17 | Delectation | Delectation is a formal word for a feeling of delight or enjoyment. It can also be used to refer to the source of such feelings. // The resort staff left a sampling of fine chocolate in our room for our delectation. // For lovers of art and architecture, Paris offers visitors a peerless abundance of delectations. |
24-Dec-2024 |
18 | Ambient | In technical use, ambient describes things—such as air quality or light in a room—that exist or are present on all sides. Ambient is also used to describe electronic music that is quiet and relaxing, with melodies that repeat many times. // The chemicals must be kept at an ambient temperature of 70°F. |
23-Dec-2024 |
19 | Argent | like silver; silvery white |
21-Dec-2024 |
20 | Beatific | Beatific is a formal word that describes something or someone having a blissful appearance or showing complete happiness. // As the pair danced, beatific smiles on their faces, the audience sat hushed and almost reverential. |
20-Dec-2024 |
21 | Imprimis | in the first place |
19-Dec-2024 |
22 | Epicure | a person with a refined taste, especially for food and wine |
18-Dec-2024 |
23 | Lexical | To describe something as lexical is to say that it is related to words or vocabulary. // A dictionary provides lexical information—it tells you what the word "cat" means, not all there is to know about cats. |
17-Dec-2024 |
24 | Allusion | An allusion is a reference to something that avoids mentioning the thing directly. Allusion may also describe the use of such a statement or the act of alluding to something. // The lyrics contain biblical allusions. // They made allusion to their first marriage, but said nothing more about it. |
16-Dec-2024 |
25 | Pastiche | Pastiche refers to something (such as a piece of writing, music, etc.) that imitates the style of someone or something else. It can also refer to a work that is made up of selections from multiple other works, or it can be used as a synonym of hodgepodge. // The director’s new murder mystery is a clever pastiche of the 1950s noir films she watched as a girl. // The research paper was essentially a pastiche made up of passages from different sources. // The house is decorated in a pastiche of mid-century styles. |
13-Dec-2024 |
26 | Brusque | abrupt in manner; blunt |
12-Dec-2024 |
27 | Brogue | A brogue is a low shoe, usually made of leather, that is decorated with small holes along the sides at the toe, and that usually features a wing tip. // Even though his brogues are scuffed and old, Dad prefers them to his new loafers. |
11-Dec-2024 |
28 | Addle | to make or become confused |
10-Dec-2024 |
29 | Fulgent | Fulgent is a formal, often poetic word used to describe something that is dazzlingly bright. It is a synonym for radiant. // After a long, drizzly morning, a fulgent sun finally peeked out from behind the clouds. |
09-Dec-2024 |
30 | Flavescent | yellowish |
07-Dec-2024 |
31 | Ambigram | An ambigram is an image of a written word or phrase that is intended or able to be oriented in either of two ways for viewing or reading. // Angel started taking calligraphy classes to learn how to create ambigrams and other fun designs that can be read both upside down and right side up. |
06-Dec-2024 |
32 | Lickerish | eager to consume delicious foods |
05-Dec-2024 |
33 | Eschew | To eschew something is to avoid it, especially because you do not think it is right, proper, or practical. // Their teacher was known as a Luddite because he eschewed the use of smartphones and tablets in the classroom. |
04-Dec-2024 |
34 | Complaisant | Someone described as complaisant is willing or eager to please other people, or is easily convinced to do what other people want. // Derek was a complaisant boy, always happy to oblige whenever his mother or father asked him to run an errand. // She was too complaisant to say no to her sister's demands. |
03-Dec-2024 |
35 | Hardihood | boldness or daring; courage |
02-Dec-2024 |
36 | Diurnal | active by day, as certain birds and insects |
30-Nov-2024 |
37 | Cornucopia | an abundant, overflowing supply |
28-Nov-2024 |
38 | Guttural | A guttural sound—such as speech, laughter, or a grunt—is formed or pronounced in the throat. // Her friends always found her deep, guttural laugh to be highly contagious. |
27-Nov-2024 |
39 | Gobbledegook | language that is usually hard to understand |
26-Nov-2024 |
40 | Chastise | To chastise someone is to criticize them harshly for doing something wrong. // The waiter was chastised for forgetting the customer’s order. |
25-Nov-2024 |
41 | Negotiate | To negotiate is to discuss something formally in order to make an agreement. Negotiate can also mean, when applied to people or things in motion, "to get through, around, or over successfully." // The parties negotiated an agreement. // The trail is designed for an experienced skier who can negotiate unpredictable terrain. |
23-Nov-2024 |
42 | Saturnine | sluggish in temperament; gloomy; taciturn |
22-Nov-2024 |
43 | Tenacious | Something described as tenacious cannot easily be stopped or pulled part; in other words, it is firm or strong. Tenacious can also describe something—such as a myth—that continues or persists for a long time, or someone who is determined to do something. // Caleb was surprised by the crab’s tenacious grip. // Once Linda has decided on a course of action, she can be very tenacious when it comes to seeing it through. |
21-Nov-2024 |
44 | Snivel | To snivel is to speak or act in a whining, sniffling, tearful, or weakly emotional manner. The word snivel may also be used to mean "to run at the nose," "to snuffle," or "to cry or whine with snuffling." // She was unmoved by the millionaires sniveling about their financial problems. // My partner sniveled into the phone, describing the frustrations of the day. |
20-Nov-2024 |
45 | Nonpareil | Use nonpareil to describe someone or something that is beyond compare, an absolute model of perfection of a particular thing. Jane Austen was a writer nonpareil, and James Bond a spy nonpareil. |
19-Nov-2024 |
46 | Prehensile | adapted for seizing, grasping, or taking hold of something |
18-Nov-2024 |
47 | Sprechgesang | a vocal style intermediate between speech and singing but without exact pitch intonation |
16-Nov-2024 |
48 | Cachet | Cachet is used as a synonym of prestige to refer to the respect and admiration someone or something receives for being successful or important. It can also be used to refer to a characteristic feature or quality that confers such prestige. // His research in Antarctica gave him a certain cachet among other scientists. |
15-Nov-2024 |
49 | Mosey | to wander or shuffle about leisurely; stroll; saunter |
14-Nov-2024 |
50 | Labile | Someone or something described as labile is readily open to change. Labile can also be used as a synonym of unstable to describe things that are readily or continually undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown. // The director was known for being exacting but also labile, open to actors' interpretations of characters. |
13-Nov-2024 |