# Title Description Date
1 divagate To deviate from a subject, focus, or course; lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in thinking, writing, or speaking 12-Aug-2017
2 polemic A person who argues in opposition to another; a controversialist; a piece of writing or a speech in which a person strongly attacks or defends a particular opinion, person, idea, or set of beliefs 11-Aug-2017
3 polemic a person who argues in opposition to another; a controversialist; a piece of writing or a speech in which a person strongly attacks or defends a particular opinion, person, idea, or set of beliefs 11-Aug-2017
4 phubbing The activity of being impolite in a social situation by looking at your phone instead of paying attention to the person you are with; ignoring someone in favour of your mobile phone 10-Aug-2017
5 ambience The aura of a place; the character of a place or the feeling you have about it; a particular environment 09-Aug-2017
6 anarchy When nobody seems to be paying any attention to rules or laws; the absence of any authority or lack of government 08-Aug-2017
7 conundrum A problem or puzzle which is difficult or impossible to solve; a complex or perplexing problem that generally has no clear solution 05-Aug-2017
8 sarcasm In order to criticize something in a humorous way or to hurt someone’s emotions, the use of remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what they say; by comedy, when people speak something the complete opposite of what they mean; witty language used to convey insults or scorn 04-Aug-2017
9 cynicism Beliefs that people are generally selfish and dishonest; an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; a cynical feeling of distrust 03-Aug-2017
10 ambrosia A very delicious food; the food and drink of the gods; mortals who ate ambrosia became immortal; anything particularly delightful to taste or smell 02-Aug-2017
11 exorcism Calling up supposed supernatural forces by spells and incantations; the removing of evil spirits from a person or place by the use of prayer 01-Aug-2017
12 instantiate to represent by a concrete example; the creation of a real instance or particular realization of an abstraction or template such as a class of objects or a computer process 31-Jul-2017
13 autarky To be strong enough or sufficient; a self-sustainable economy or military; a country that could defend itself without help from another country, or could manufacture all of its weapons without any support from the outside world 29-Jul-2017
14 catastrophe An unexpected sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction; a state of extreme ruin and trouble; any sudden and violent change in the earth's surface caused by disasters such as flooding, earthquake, Slab avalanches, tsunami, blizzards, hurricanes, and tornadoes 28-Jul-2017
15 shambles A state of great disorder or confusion; a building where animals are butchered; slaughterhouse 27-Jul-2017
16 crucible A difficult dangerous environment; a melting pot in which materials can be heated to very high temperatures; a situation in which different cultures or styles interact with each other to produce something new 26-Jul-2017
17 betrayal The breaking or violation of a presumptive confidence, trust or contract; an act of betraying someone or something; a complete break from previously decided upon or presumed norms by one party from the others 25-Jul-2017
18 perambulator A small buggy or a vehicle with four wheels in which a child or baby is pushed around; a type of baby transport; a large wheel with a calibrated mechanism, pushed along on the ground to measure distances 24-Jul-2017
19 dermatologist a medical practitioner who treats people who have skin diseases; a doctor who specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorder 22-Jul-2017
20 proletarian a member of the working class; belonging to the lowest or poorest class of the people 21-Jul-2017
21 embargo An official order issued by a country to stop trading with another country; an order to temporarily stop something 20-Jul-2017
22 pantomime A theatrical entertainment based on fairy tales or traditional children's stories; a performance using gestures and body movements without words 19-Jul-2017
23 aristocratic Relating to royalty and the nobility: belonging to the highly elite or super-rich class of society; relating to those people having private-jets 18-Jul-2017
24 pedantic Giving too much attention to literal accuracy or small details; a narrow focus on minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching 17-Jul-2017
25 exhaustipated Exhaustipated derives from two other words ‘exhausted’ and ‘constipated’. It means ‘too tired to care about something’. 15-Jul-2017
26 komorebi Sunlight that shines through the leaves of trees; melancholic longing or nostalgia that is far away from you 14-Jul-2017
27 gobsmacked Feeling surprised or shocked; being totally speechless; unable to think of anything to say; extremely surprised 13-Jul-2017
28 inter alia Among other things; if there are other things involved apart from the one you are mentioning 12-Jul-2017
29 supercilious behaving or looking as if you are better than other people, and that their opinions, beliefs, or ideas are not important; arrogant 11-Jul-2017
30 enfranchise to give the right to vote in the election; set free 10-Jul-2017
31 onomatopoeia The word, which creates a sound effect that mimics the thing described, making the description more expressive and interesting; acts like the natural sounds of a thing; echo 08-Jul-2017
32 contumacious The rebellious behaviour that shows contempt; refusing to obey or respect the law; willfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient 07-Jul-2017
33 hallucination Because of illness or drug addiction an experience of something, which does not exist; nightmare; optical illusion; fantasy 06-Jul-2017
34 metacognition higher-order thinking skills; one of the most sophisticated cognitive capacities of human beings 05-Jul-2017
35 juggernaut a powerful, huge, and metaphorical force that seems to crush everything in its way; a very large, heavy truck 04-Jul-2017
36 wardrobe a stock of wearing apparel; a tall cupboard in which people hang their clothes or costumes 03-Jul-2017
37 insalubrious an ill environment; unwholesome; dirty, or unfavourable to health 01-Jul-2017
38 titltle1 13 01-Jul-2017
39 elysian relating to or quality of paradise or heaven 30-Jun-2017
40 -frtfedsfsdfdsf345345 elysian reladfdsfsdf435345 30-Jun-2017
41 Ambidextrous Person who can use both hands 28-Jun-2017
42 keysmash a random string of letters and symbols typed out on a keyboard or touchscreen, used to signal intense emotion in written communication: The photo of the actor was accompanied by a heartfelt keysmash. 03-Jun-2017
43 puffery 1.undue or exaggerated praise. 2.publicity, acclaim, etc., that is full of undue or exaggerated praise. 03-Jun-2017
44 sinker 1.Slang. a doughnut or, sometimes, a biscuit or muffin. 2.a person or thing that sinks. 3.a person employed in sinking, as one who sinks shafts. 03-Jun-2017
45 athleisure a style of clothing worn as athletic apparel but also suitable for casual, everyday wear: Athleisure looks great whether you're working out or just running errands. 02-Jun-2017
46 centenarian 1.a person who has reached the age of 100. 1.pertaining to or having lived 100 years. 01-Jun-2017