# Title Description Date
1 Tumult Confusion or disorder. A loud, confused noise, esp. one caused by a large mass of people. “He quickly became aware of the violent tumult behind the trees.” 06-Mar-2018
2 Amorous Showing, feeling, or relating to intimate desire. “She did not appreciate his amorous advances.” 05-Mar-2018
3 Apocryphal Of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true. “Apocryphal stories dating from Hollywood’s golden age.” 28-Feb-2018
4 Coltish Energetic but awkward in one’s movements or behavior. Playful, not trained or disciplined. “Coltish horseplay to celebrate their graduation.” 27-Feb-2018
5 Glower Have an angry or sullen look on one’s face; scowl. “The librarian glowered at her for talking too loud.” 26-Feb-2018
6 Misogynous Of or characterized by a hatred of women. “Police believe it was a misogynous assault.” 24-Feb-2018
7 Luddite A person opposed to increased industrialization or new technology, and is often someone who is incompetent when using new technology. “He was a luddite that preferred his typewriter over a computer.” 23-Feb-2018
8 Conflate Combine two or more texts, ideas, etc. into one. “Their ideas were conflated in ways that were not helpful.” 22-Feb-2018
9 Machinate Engage in plots and intrigues; scheming. “To machinate the overthrow of the government.” 21-Feb-2018
10 Untenable Not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. “She was in an untenable situation that was difficult to get out of.” 20-Feb-2018
11 Boorish Resembling or characteristic of a boor; rude and clumsy in behavior. “His boorish behavior was unacceptable to the directors.” 19-Feb-2018
12 Mellifluous Sweet or musical; pleasant to hear. “She had a mellifluous voice.” 17-Feb-2018
13 Peripatetic Traveling from place to place, esp. working or based in various places for relatively short periods. “He maintained a peripatetic lifestyle.” 16-Feb-2018
14 Canard A false or unfounded rumor or story. “The tabloid included some of Hollywood’s oldest canards.” 15-Feb-2018
15 Hyperbole Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. “The company chairman may have been guilty of too much hyperbole during the shareholders meeting.” 14-Feb-2018
16 Ghoulish Suggesting the horror of death and decay; morbid or disgusting. “The ghoulish mask was a scary Halloween favorite.” 13-Feb-2018
17 acuity Sharpness or keenness of thought, vision, or hearing. “The sun’s glare can cause discomfort and reduces visual acuity.” 12-Feb-2018
18 Sycophant Attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery; A servile self-seeking flatterer. “There was sycophantic laughter from the audience at their bosses jokes.” 10-Feb-2018
19 Ruminate Think deeply about something. “We sat ruminating on the nature of existence.” 09-Feb-2018
20 Nuance A subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound. “Subtle nuances of her on-screen character.” 08-Feb-2018
21 Recidivate To return to a previous pattern of behavior. Relapse: go back to bad or criminal behavior. “The convictions for those over sixty are unlikely to recidivate. 07-Feb-2018
22 Potentate One who has the power and position to rule over others: A monarch or ruler. “Industrial potentates.” 06-Feb-2018
23 Surreptitious Kept secret, particularly because it would not be approved of. “His surreptitious drug habit could land him in jail.” 05-Feb-2018
24 Peevish Easily irritated, particularly by unimportant things. “He was peevish around smokers.” 03-Feb-2018
25 Peevish Easily irritated, particularly by unimportant things. “He was peevish around smokers.” 02-Feb-2018
26 Congruent In agreement or harmony. Suitable; appropriate. “The company’s operations were congruent with its business plan.” 01-Feb-2018
27 Churlish Rude in a mean-spirited and surly way. “It was rather churlish of him to complain about the small donations.” 31-Jan-2018
28 Empathy The action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another. “Her doctor was empathetic to her condition.” 30-Jan-2018
29 Efficacy The ability to produce a desired or intended result. “The efficacy of the new marketing plan has not been proven.” 29-Jan-2018
30 Amorphous Without a clearly defined shape or form. Vague; ill-organized; unclassifiable. “The amorphous package caused alarm to many people in the terminal.” 27-Jan-2018
31 Gourmand A person who enjoys eating and often eats too much; gluttonous. A connoisseur of good food. “The traveling gourmand seldom passed up a restaurant.” 25-Jan-2018
32 Melancholy A deep, pensive, and long-lasting sadness. adj. Sad, gloomy, or depressed. “She was in a melancholy mood.” 24-Jan-2018
33 Disparate Essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison. markedly distinct in quality or character. “He is a strong leader capable of managing a disparate team to achieve their goals.” 23-Jan-2018
34 Demonstrative Tending to show feelings, especially the open expression of emotion. “A demonstrative argument.” 22-Jan-2018
35 Accolade An expression of praise or admiration. An award or privilege granted; an acknowledgment of merit. “The scientist was given many accolades for his research.” 20-Jan-2018
36 Impish Mischievous. Inclined to do slightly naughty things for fun. “He approached her with an impish grin on his face.” 19-Jan-2018
37 Benign Mild or favorable (result). Gentle, kind, good. “The results were benign and required no treatment.” 18-Jan-2018
38 paralipsis the suggestion, by deliberately concise treatment of a topic, that much of significance is being omitted, as in “not to mention other faults.” 17-Jan-2018
39 Patronize Treat with an apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority. “She detests being patronized.” Frequent an establishment as a customer. “He always patronizes the same restaurant.” 16-Jan-2018
40 pseud a person of fatuously earnest intellectual, artistic, or social pretensions 15-Jan-2018
41 Ardent Enthusiastic or passionate. “He is an ardent sports fan.” 13-Jan-2018
42 Servile Having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others. “She wrote a servile letter to her upset neighbor.” 12-Jan-2018
43 Phalanx A group of people or things of a similar type forming a compact body or brought together for a common purpose. “A phalanx of lawyers took charge of the case.” 11-Jan-2018
44 Discern Perceive or recognize (something). Distinguish (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses. “Discern who is telling the truth.” 10-Jan-2018
45 swanky very fashionable and expensive "a swanky club/hotel/restaurant" 09-Jan-2018
46 Canonize Regard as being above reproach or of great significance. “He canonized women.” 08-Jan-2018
47 Equivocal Open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous. Uncertain or questionable in nature. “Congress was equivocal on its domestic spending package.” 06-Jan-2018
48 Audacious Showing a willingness to take risks. “An audacious attack on the company.” Showing an impudent lack of respect. “An audacious move.” 05-Jan-2018
49 Obdurate Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action. “Despite her plea, he remained obdurate.” 04-Jan-2018
50 Sapid Having a strong, pleasant taste; palatable. “The wine tasting was a most sapid event.” (of talk or writing) Pleasant or interesting. 03-Jan-2018