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# | Title | Description | Date |
1 | Sanguine | Sanguine adj. Cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident: “A sanguine disposition;” “Sanguine expectations.” |
02-Jun-2020 |
2 | Feckless | Feckless adj. 1. Careless and irresponsible. “The kids were feckless during spring break.” 2. Lacking purpose or vitality; feeble or ineffective – unlikely to be successful. “It was a feckless attempt to make the company |
01-Jun-2020 |
3 | Innocuous | Innocuous adj. 1. Having no adverse effect; harmless. 2. Not likely to offend or provoke to strong emotion; insipid. “The innocuous looking e-mail actually contained a virus.” |
30-May-2020 |
4 | Autonomous | Autonomous adj. 1. Independent in mind or judgment; self-directed. 2. Not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent: “The business divisions operate autonomously.” |
29-May-2020 |
5 | Mercurial | Mercurial adj. 1. Quick and changeable in temperament; volatile: “His mercurial temperament made him difficult to work for.” |
28-May-2020 |
6 | Petulant | Petulant; Petulance adj. 1. Contemptuous in speech or behavior. 2. Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; rude. “She was fired over her petulant attitude to our customers.” |
27-May-2020 |
7 | Plethora | Plethora n. A superabundance; an excessive amount or number: “Upon returning from the trip, she had a plethora of calls to make.” |
26-May-2020 |
8 | Ephemeral | Ephemeral adj. 1. Lasting for a markedly brief time: “The ephemeral nature of fashion trends.” 2. Living or lasting only for a day, as with certain plants or insects. |
25-May-2020 |
9 | Myriad | Myriad adj. Constituting a very large, indefinite number; innumerable: “The myriad snowflakes in the winter.” |
23-May-2020 |
10 | Dogmatic | Dogmatic adj. 1. Expressing rigid opinions; Prone to expressing strongly held beliefs and opinions. “A dogmatic speech.” 2. Asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated. |
22-May-2020 |
11 | Capricious | Capricious adj. Characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable. “He’s such a capricious boss I never know how he’ll react.” |
21-May-2020 |
12 | Gregarious | Gregarious adj. 1. Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable. “She is a gregarious, outgoing person.” |
20-May-2020 |
13 | Visceral | Visceral adj. 1. Instinctual: proceeding from instinct rather than from reasoned thinking or intellect. “A visceral business decision.” 2. Emotional: characterized by or showing crude or elemental emotions. |
19-May-2020 |
14 | Auspicious | Auspicious adj. Marked by success; prosperous. Suggesting a positive and successful future. “An auspicious time to purchase the stock.” |
18-May-2020 |
15 | Pensive | Pensive [pen·sive] adj. Deeply, often wistfully or dreamily thoughtful. Expressive of melancholy thoughtfulness. “She was feeling pensive after seeing an old boyfriend.” |
16-May-2020 |
16 | Cognitive | Cognitive [cog·ni·tive] adj. 1. Relating to the process of acquiring knowledge by the use of reasoning, intuition, or perception. 2. Having a basis in or reducible to empirical factual knowledge. “A Cognitive model for success.” |
15-May-2020 |
17 | Specious | Specious adj. 1. Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious. “A specious argument.” 2. Deceptively attractive. |
14-May-2020 |
18 | Quixotic | Quixotic [quix·ot·ic] adj. 1. Idealistic without regard to practicality; impractical. 2. Impulsive: tending to act on whims or impulses. “It was clearly a quixotic case against the defendant.” |
13-May-2020 |
19 | Incredulous | Incredulous [in·cred·u·lous] adj. 1. Skeptical; disbelieving. “Most people are incredulous of stories about flying saucers.” 2. Expressive of disbelief. “An incredulous stare.” |
12-May-2020 |
20 | Odious | Odious (o·di·ous) adj. Extremely unpleasant; repulsive. Deserving of hatred or repugnance. “The detective said it was the most odious crime she had ever seen.” |
11-May-2020 |
21 | Acerbic | Acerbic [a·cer·bic] adj. Sharp or biting, as in character or expression. “The director occasionally allowed an acerbic tone to an otherwise subtle dialogue.” |
09-May-2020 |
22 | Esoteric | Esoteric [es·o·ter·ic] adj. 1. Difficult to understand; abstruse. 2. Not publicly disclosed; confidential. 3. Of rare, special, or unusual interest. “Her software’s success was based on an esoteric programming language.” |
08-May-2020 |
23 | Incongruous | Incongruous [in·con·gru·ous] adj. 1. Lacking in harmony; incompatible. 2. Not in agreement, as with principles; inconsistent. “A plan incongruous with reason.” 3. Not in keeping with what is correct, proper, or logical; inappropriate. “She showed incongruous behavior.” |
07-May-2020 |
24 | Ominous | Ominous [om·i·nous] adj. Menacing; threatening. “Ominous black clouds;” “An ominous scream prior to the shooting.” |
06-May-2020 |
25 | Anachronism | Anachronism n. One that is out of its proper, chronological, or historical order, especially a person or practice that belongs to an earlier time. “A sword is an anachronism in modern warfare.” |
05-May-2020 |
26 | Nebulous | Nebulous [neb·u·lous] adj. 1. Lacking definition or definite content. 2. Lacking definite form or limits; vague. “The test results were nebulous and determined to be unusable.” |
04-May-2020 |
27 | Exacerbate | Exacerbate [ex·ac·er·bate] transitive verb. To make more violent, bitter, or severe; to irritate or make worse. “The continued delays were greatly exacerbated by the lack of workers on the project.” |
02-May-2020 |
28 | Temporal | Temporal [tem·po·ral] adj. Relating to, or limited by time. Lasting only for a time; not eternal. Also: fleeting, passing, momentary, temporary, transient, short-lived. “The beneficial effects of the loan were temporal.” |
01-May-2020 |
29 | Pragmatic | Pragmatic [prag·mat·ic] adj. More concerned with practical results than with theories and principles. “The CEO used a pragmatic approach to making his business a success.” |
30-Apr-2020 |
30 | Diminutive | Diminutive [di·min·u·tive] adj. Extremely small in size; tiny. A very small person or thing. “Although diminutive in stature, they were a formidable opponent;” “A diminutive report.” |
29-Apr-2020 |
31 | Laborious | Laborious [la·bo·ri·ous] adj. Hard-working; industrious. Marked by or requiring long, hard work. “It was a laborious project, but they still kept it under budget.” |
28-Apr-2020 |
32 | Altruism | Altruism [al·tru·ism] n. Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness. (also ‘Altruistic’). “Despite his miserly demeanor, his life is driven by Altruism.” “Altruistic motives.” |
27-Apr-2020 |
33 | Copious | Copious [co·pi·ous] adj. Large in quantity; abundant. Abounding in matter, thoughts, or words; wordy. “He took copious notes during the business meeting.” |
25-Apr-2020 |
34 | Pugnacious | Pugnacious adj. 1. Quarrelsome or combative in nature; belligerent. 2. Expressing an argument or opinion very forcefully. “Rather than maintaining a calm demeanor, his boss was quite pugnacious.” |
24-Apr-2020 |
35 | Austere | Austere [aus·tere] adj. 1. Markedly simple without adornment or ornamentation. “An austere office;” “An austere writing style.” 2. Strict or stern in appearance or manner. “He was an austere movie critic.” |
23-Apr-2020 |
36 | Euphemism | Euphemism [eu·phe·mism] n. A mild, inoffensive expression that is substituted for one that is often considered harsh or offensive. “To pass away” is a euphemism for “to die.” |
22-Apr-2020 |
37 | Ostensible | Ostensible [os·ten·si·ble] adj. Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so. Being such in appearance, plausible rather than demonstrably true or real. “The ostensible purpose of the trip was for business.” |
21-Apr-2020 |
38 | Disingenuous | Disingenuous [dis·in·gen·u·ous] adj. Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating. “It was disingenuous of her to claim she had no financial interest in the company.” |
20-Apr-2020 |
39 | Duplicitous | Duplicitous [du·plic·i·tous] adj. Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech. “They warned him not to trust the duplicitous telemarketer.” |
18-Apr-2020 |
40 | Derisive | Derisive (de·ri·sive) adj. Expressing contempt or ridicule; mocking or scornful. “A derisive laugh.” |
17-Apr-2020 |
41 | Prodigious | Prodigious (pro·di·gious) adj. Remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree. “Her prodigious sales performance resulted in a promotion.” |
16-Apr-2020 |
42 | Recalcitrant | Recalcitrant (re·cal·ci·trant) adj. Stubborn, often defiant of authority; difficult to manage or control. “After months of recalcitrant behavior, the employee was terminated.” |
15-Apr-2020 |
43 | Anomalous | Anomalous (a·nom·a·lous) adj. Deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected. “The marketing department could not explain the anomalous sales performance.” |
14-Apr-2020 |
44 | Reciprocity | Reciprocity (rec·i·proc·i·ty) n A reciprocal condition or relationship. “The president’s proposal calls for full reciprocity.” |
13-Apr-2020 |
45 | Penurious | Penurious (pe·nu·ri·ous) adj Extremely poor; poverty-stricken; miserly. “The penurious family was forced from their home.” |
11-Apr-2020 |
46 | Myopic | Myopic; Myopia n. Distant objects appear blurred – Lack of discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning: “Myopic thinking.” |
10-Apr-2020 |
47 | Julia Child | Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. |
09-Apr-2020 |
48 | Antiquated | Antiquated [an·ti·quat·ed] adj. Very old; aged. Too old to be fashionable, suitable, or useful; outmoded, obsolete. “The committee thought the marketing strategy was too antiquated to approve.” |
09-Apr-2020 |
49 | Ubiquitous | Ubiquitous [u·biq·ui·tous] adj. Being or seeming to be everywhere, or in all places, at the same time; omnipresent. “Ubiquitous cell phones.” |
08-Apr-2020 |
50 | Fortuitous | Fortuitous [for·tu·i·tous] adj. Happening by accident or chance. Happening by a fortunate accident or chance. Lucky or fortunate. “The check could not have arrived at a more fortuitous time.” |
07-Apr-2020 |