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# | Title | Description | Date |
1 | Nomadic | migratory |
15-Feb-2025 |
2 | Moonstruck | lost in infatuation |
14-Feb-2025 |
3 | Gallant | Someone or something described as gallant is very courageous and brave. Gallant is also sometimes used to mean “large and impressive” (as in “a gallant ship”), or to describe someone who has or shows politeness and respect for women. // Though they failed to reach the summit, the mountaineering team made a gallant attempt. |
13-Feb-2025 |
4 | Juggernaut | a massive inexorable force that seems to crush, have power over or influence everything in its way |
12-Feb-2025 |
5 | Ruminate | To ruminate is to think carefully and deeply about something. // We ruminated over the implications of our decision. |
11-Feb-2025 |
6 | Wuther | (of wind) to blow fiercely |
08-Feb-2025 |
7 | Demarcation | the specification of boundaries |
07-Feb-2025 |
8 | Canard | Canard refers to a false report or story, or to a belief or rumor that isn't true. It can also refer to a kind of airplane as well as to a kind of small airfoil. // The book unfortunately repeats some of history's oldest canards. |
06-Feb-2025 |
9 | Pelagic | of or relating to the seas and oceans |
05-Feb-2025 |
10 | Sarcophagus | Sarcophagus refers to a coffin, and specifically a stone coffin. // The crypt under the abbey church contains the sarcophagus of the monastery's founding abbot. |
04-Feb-2025 |
11 | Presage | To presage something is to give or be a sign that it will happen in the future. Presage is a formal synonym for foreshadowing, foretelling, and prediction. // The sudden gloom and ominous dark clouds clearly presaged a nasty storm. |
03-Feb-2025 |
12 | Disputatious | Disputatious is a formal word used to describe someone who often disagrees and argues with other people (in other words, someone inclined to dispute). It can also describe something marked or characterized by arguments or controversies, or something that provokes debate or controversy. // The podcast is hosted by a disputatious pair whose sparring has drawn legions of listeners. |
01-Feb-2025 |
13 | Encroach | To encroach is to gradually move or go into an area that is beyond the usual or desired limits, or to gradually take or begin to use or affect something that belongs to, or is being used by, someone else. Encroach is often followed by on or upon. // Conflicts between people and bears increase as humans continue to encroach on bear territory. // They argue that the law would encroach on states' authority. |
31-Jan-2025 |
14 | Audition | An audition is a short performance to show the talents of someone (such as an actor or a musician) who is being considered for a role in a play, a position in an orchestra, etc. // Auditions will be held next week for the spring musical. // She had an audition for a small part but ended up landing a starring role. |
30-Jan-2025 |
15 | Sward | Sward is a literary word that refers to an area of land covered with grass. // The hikers emerged from the forest to find a green sward dotted with yellow and purple flowers stretching out before them. |
29-Jan-2025 |
16 | Edify | To edify someone is to teach them in a way that improves their mind or character. // The commencement speaker hoped that her words would edify the graduates, and give them hope and encouragement. |
28-Jan-2025 |
17 | Circuitous | If something—such as a path, route, or journey—is described as circuitous, it is not straight, short, and direct, but rather takes a circular or winding course. Circuitous can also describe speech or writing that is not said or done simply or clearly. // He took a circuitous route to town, stopping at several of his favorite shops even though it added minutes and miles to his trip. // While either method will yield the correct answer, one is far less circuitous and therefore considered superior. |
27-Jan-2025 |
18 | Spurious | Something false or inauthentic is spurious. Don't trust spurious ideas and stories. Spurious statements often are lies, just as a spurious coin is a counterfeit coin — a fake. |
25-Jan-2025 |
19 | Divers | Divers is an adjective meaning "numbering more than one." // The tri-county fair offers divers amusements for the whole family. |
24-Jan-2025 |
20 | Delitescent | concealed; hidden; latent |
23-Jan-2025 |
21 | Opine | To opine is to express an opinion about something. // Many people opine that social media platforms should be better regulated. |
22-Jan-2025 |
22 | Gourmand | A gourmand is a person who loves and appreciates good food and drink. Gourmand can also refer to someone who enjoys eating and drinking to excess. // He was a gourmand who retired to New Orleans to live close to the cuisine he loved best. |
21-Jan-2025 |
23 | Virtuoso | Virtuoso is used broadly to refer to a person who does something very skillfully, and is often used specifically to refer to a very skillful musician. // He’s a real virtuoso in the kitchen, whipping up gourmet dishes for his family not just on holidays but on regular weeknights. // Although the violin was her first instrument, she eventually proved to be a virtuoso on the harp. |
20-Jan-2025 |
24 | Pandurate | shaped like a fiddle, as a leaf |
18-Jan-2025 |
25 | Parlay | To parlay something is to use or develop it in order to get something else of greater value. Parlay is often used with the word into. // He hoped to parlay his basketball skills into a college scholarship. // She parlayed $5,000 and years of hard work into a multimillion-dollar company. |
17-Jan-2025 |
26 | Hackneyed | Something is considered hackneyed when it is not interesting, funny, etc., because of being used too often; in other words, it's neither fresh nor original. // The new crime drama's characters are shallow stereotypes who engage one another in hackneyed dialogue. |
16-Jan-2025 |
27 | Cerulean | Cerulean describes things whose blue color resembles the blue of a clear sky. // The painting depicts leafless trees bordering a cerulean lake. |
15-Jan-2025 |
28 | Intenerate | to make soft or tender; soften |
14-Jan-2025 |
29 | Secular | Secular describes things that are not spiritual; that is, they relate more to the physical world than the spiritual world. The word also carries the closely related meaning of "not religious." // Each year, Ian directed his charitable giving toward secular concerns like affordable housing and arts programming for teens. // In her autobiography, the actor mentions that her education in parochial school was not so different from that of secular institutions. |
13-Jan-2025 |
30 | Cozen | To cozen someone is to deceive, win over, or induce them to do something by coaxing or trickery. // The organization cozened scores of people by persuading them to participate in a fraudulent investment scheme. |
11-Jan-2025 |
31 | Untenable | Something, such as a position, excuse, or situation, that is described as untenable cannot be defended against attack or criticism. // The scientists considered their colleague's theory to be bold but ultimately untenable. |
10-Jan-2025 |
32 | Gamut | the entire scale or range |
09-Jan-2025 |
33 | Gelid | Something described as gelid, such as the weather or a person’s demeanor, is literally or figuratively extremely cold or icy. // She decided to move down south after experiencing Chicago’s gelid winters throughout college. |
08-Jan-2025 |
34 | Fulminate | To fulminate is to complain loudly or angrily about something. // The editorial fulminated against the corruption in the state government that has been recently uncovered. |
07-Jan-2025 |
35 | Tome | Tome is a formal word for a book, and especially a very large, thick, often scholarly book. // We picked up a tome on the Ghana Empire for our history project. |
06-Jan-2025 |
36 | Fulminate | To fulminate is to complain loudly or angrily about something. // The editorial fulminated against the corruption in the state government that has been recently uncovered. |
04-Jan-2025 |
37 | Addlepated | Someone described as addlepated is mixed-up or confused. Addlepated can also be used as synonym of eccentric. // Some addlepated clerk confused our hotel reservation with that of another, similarly named, party. |
03-Jan-2025 |
38 | Preponderate | to exceed in weight, influence, importance, amount, etc. |
02-Jan-2025 |
39 | Rejuvenate | To rejuvenate a person, parts of the body, etc., is to make them feel young, healthy, or energetic again. To rejuvenate something abstract, such as an economy or career, is to give it new strength or energy. // The hotel package includes a day at the spa to rejuvenate guests. // Small businesses opening along the main street have rejuvenated the downtown area. |
01-Jan-2025 |
40 | Novation | the introduction of something new; innovation |
31-Dec-2024 |
41 | Urbane | Someone described as urbane is notably polite, confident, or polished in manner. Urbane is also used to describe things that are fashionable and somewhat formal. // "When did my willful, childish cousin turn into this urbane young artist greeting the guests at her opening reception?" wondered Elena. // We were impressed by the hotel's urbane sophistication. |
30-Dec-2024 |
42 | Combustion | 1. a process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat and light2. the act of burning something 3. a state of violent disturbance and excitement |
28-Dec-2024 |
43 | Feisty | Feisty describes someone who has or shows a lively aggressiveness, especially in being unafraid to fight or argue. In some regions of the US, feisty may also be used as a synonym of fidgety, quarrelsome, or frisky. // Even her opponents admire her feisty spirit. |
27-Dec-2024 |
44 | Menorah | A menorah is a candelabra with seven or nine lights that is used in Jewish worship. // At sundown on the first night of Hanukkah, Elliott's father helped him light the first candle on the menorah. |
26-Dec-2024 |
45 | Delectation | Delectation is a formal word for a feeling of delight or enjoyment. It can also be used to refer to the source of such feelings. // The resort staff left a sampling of fine chocolate in our room for our delectation. // For lovers of art and architecture, Paris offers visitors a peerless abundance of delectations. |
24-Dec-2024 |
46 | Ambient | In technical use, ambient describes things—such as air quality or light in a room—that exist or are present on all sides. Ambient is also used to describe electronic music that is quiet and relaxing, with melodies that repeat many times. // The chemicals must be kept at an ambient temperature of 70°F. |
23-Dec-2024 |
47 | Argent | like silver; silvery white |
21-Dec-2024 |
48 | Beatific | Beatific is a formal word that describes something or someone having a blissful appearance or showing complete happiness. // As the pair danced, beatific smiles on their faces, the audience sat hushed and almost reverential. |
20-Dec-2024 |
49 | Imprimis | in the first place |
19-Dec-2024 |
50 | Epicure | a person with a refined taste, especially for food and wine |
18-Dec-2024 |