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# | Quote | Orator | Date |
1 | We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us. |
Virginia Satir | 25-Apr-2023 |
2 | What is a soul? It's like electricity - we don't really know what it is, but it's a force that can light a room. |
Ray Charles | 24-Apr-2023 |
3 | Try to be like the turtle - at ease in your own shell. |
Bill Copeland | 22-Apr-2023 |
4 | Better remain silent, better not even think, if you are not prepared to act. |
Annie Besant | 21-Apr-2023 |
5 | Perfection is the child of time. |
Joseph Hall | 20-Apr-2023 |
6 | No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. |
Robin Williams | 19-Apr-2023 |
7 | The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax. |
Albert Einstein | 18-Apr-2023 |
8 | Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. |
Julia Child | 17-Apr-2023 |
9 | In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. |
Benjamin Franklin | 15-Apr-2023 |
10 | Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. |
Steve Jobs | 14-Apr-2023 |
11 | The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money. |
Thomas Jefferson | 13-Apr-2023 |
12 | God loves each of us as if there were only one of us. |
Saint Augustine | 12-Apr-2023 |
13 | All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward. |
Ellen Glasgow | 11-Apr-2023 |
14 | Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age. |
Booth Tarkington | 10-Apr-2023 |
15 | We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it. |
Dwight D. Eisenhower | 08-Apr-2023 |
16 | Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children. |
Sitting Bull | 07-Apr-2023 |
17 | One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure. |
William Feather | 06-Apr-2023 |
18 | There is always room at the top. |
Daniel Webster | 05-Apr-2023 |
19 | If you're going through hell, keep going. |
Winston Churchill | 04-Apr-2023 |
20 | The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. |
Alfred Whitney Griswold | 03-Apr-2023 |
21 | Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools do because they have to say something. |
Unknown | 01-Apr-2023 |
22 | O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind? |
Percy Bysshe Shelley | 31-Mar-2023 |
23 | We have all the light we need, we just need to put it in practice. |
Albert Pike | 30-Mar-2023 |
24 | Of all possessions, a friend is the most precious. |
Herodotus | 28-Mar-2023 |
25 | Avoid popularity; it has many snares and no real benefit. |
William Penn | 27-Mar-2023 |
26 | Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. |
Dr. Seuss | 25-Mar-2023 |
27 | Idealism increases in direct proportion to one's distance from the problem. |
John Galsworthy | 24-Mar-2023 |
28 | Truth is strong, and sometime or other will prevail. |
Mary Astell | 23-Mar-2023 |
29 | Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out. |
Robert Collier | 22-Mar-2023 |
30 | You exist only in what you do. |
Federico Fellini | 21-Mar-2023 |
31 | Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win. |
Bobby Knight | 20-Mar-2023 |
32 | Who has a harder fight than he who is striving to overcome himself |
Thomas a Kempis | 18-Mar-2023 |
33 | Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. |
John Boyle O'Reilly | 17-Mar-2023 |
34 | Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age. |
George Sand | 16-Mar-2023 |
35 | Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. |
James Baldwin | 15-Mar-2023 |
36 | A will finds a way. |
Orison Swett Marden | 14-Mar-2023 |
37 | My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. |
Dalai Lama | 13-Mar-2023 |
38 | One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived. |
Niccolo Machiavelli | 11-Mar-2023 |
39 | Surprise is the greatest gift that life can grant us. |
Boris Pasternak | 10-Mar-2023 |
40 | Tomorrow is only found in the calendar of fools. |
Og Mandino | 09-Mar-2023 |
41 | Life is given to us, we earn it by giving it. |
Rabindranath Tagore | 07-Mar-2023 |
42 | No one can figure out your worth but you. |
Pearl Bailey | 06-Mar-2023 |
43 | Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. |
Rumi | 04-Mar-2023 |
44 | The richest love is that which submits to the arbitration of time. |
Lawrence Durrell | 03-Mar-2023 |
45 | Let there be work, bread, water, and salt for all. |
Nelson Mandela | 02-Mar-2023 |
46 | When one paints an ideal, one does not need to limit one's imagination. |
Ellen Key | 01-Mar-2023 |
47 | Perfection is attained by slow degrees; it requires the hand of time. |
Voltaire | 28-Feb-2023 |
48 | I believe that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another. |
Thomas Jefferson | 27-Feb-2023 |
49 | I believe in being an innovator. |
Walt Disney | 25-Feb-2023 |
50 | The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness. |
Norman Cousins | 24-Feb-2023 |